Navigating Through the Ocean of Stress to Find a Life You Love

Kara Bitar-

Do you find yourself feeling stressed, overwhelmed, or lacking joy?

Today Kara Bitar,  Optimization Coach and Kundalini Yoga Teacher, helps you navigate through the ocean of stress and live the happiest, healthiest and most successful version of yourself. 

After Kara graduated from Duke University School of Law she went to work in high-stakes corporate litigation at one of the largest law firms in the Southeast.

What happened next was a sudden shift…a derailment in her life. She found herself in a realm of unknowns. After all the time, focus and hard work to  achieve her law degree, it came to an end. What would cause her to walk away? What would she do with her life? 

When she got to the point that she realized how unhappy she was, when her accomplishments didn’t match up with her fulfillment with life, she made an incredibly brave decision.

Kara walked away from it all to find her true happiness. She broke free of the expectations of others and herself to find her new life. 

She has since combined the dedication and commitment that it took her to become a successful attorney, real-life training in what it takes to succeed at high-levels, along with extensive research, experience and training to create a way to optimize our lives.

With her experience Kara reaches out to others with hope and encouragement. You are Powerful, Magnificent and Brilliant. Get excited, it is your time to live a life you love.

“If you’re living in states of stress.  If you’re living in states of overwhelm. If you’re living in states of low-energy, where you feel like life is just depleting you. If you’re living in states where life feels like monotony or a grind  or hard work,  I would say you actually have misunderstandings about who you are and how you function. That is not your fundamental nature.”

Even when Kara pursued living the life she thought she was meant to live, she knew something wasn’t right. She felt so deeply unhappy. When you experience that disconnect between what you are doing and what you feel inside it is time for change. 

That overwhelm is not where you are meant to be. It is your sign it is time to discover the life that is waiting for you. To experience your power and magnificence by understanding who you are. To feel energy and abundance

Kara has made it her mission to share how to do this with others through Kundalini Yoga, Optimization Coaching, and Programs she developed.  

“We can live lives where we revel in ourselves and our own creativity, lives of fulfillment and joy –  

When you discover the truth of who you are, you benefit not only yourself, but the world…

…just by you being you.”

You can find more information about Kara’s Optimization Programs and Coaching and sign up for her live-streamed Kundalini Yoga classes by visiting her website at  You can also sign up for a complimentary discovery call to learn more about how her Optimization Programs and Coaching can benefit you.  

KARA: It seems so confusing when you’re in those places where you’re not feeling good and you’re not happy. It seems hopeless. As much as we really want to tap into who we are, we really want to understand who we are and how we function but at the same time there is a simplicity to it, which is that it’s within you. I mean you are it. We have his concept that we’re here to become something. we have to become something. We have to prove ourselves worthy. To prove ourselves valuable and we have to become something you already are, but you’re not here to become anything/ you already are it what you’re actually here for is to express and experience your own creativity. To express and experience your own uniqueness, We’re all these one hundred percent unique works of art. There’s no one here who is you who is ever going to be you and there’s no going to be you and this exact time again. It’s just such a really cool thing that you’re here to express an experience yourself and revel in that. When you express an experience yourself and really tap into the truth of who you are you benefit yourself for sure, but you also benefit the world. You’re this puzzle piece that fits in and everyone benefits from you being you.

Listen to this important episode to hear more.

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Published by Lorie

Hello and welcome to Sailing Through Life! My name is Lorie. I am a 2-time melanoma cancer survivor and a sailor - in my heart and on the water. I want to be a beacon of light to others with life challenges and be an inspiration to stay positive while going through these life-altering events. Join me as I set sail on this new adventure... Sailing Through Life.

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