Man the Lifeboats: How to Save Yourself When You are Sinking in Life

Jeremy Grater & Zach Tucker- When life presents you with the opportunity to make big decisions, to change and transform your life, are you going willingly? Or is your ship sinking and you desperately need a lifeboat? Ep. 90 You may be optimistic and excited to see what’s in store. But, if you’ve had yourContinue reading “Man the Lifeboats: How to Save Yourself When You are Sinking in Life”

The Power You Have Inside: Connecting to your Inner Peace

Four Incredible Women- Ep. 76 Not every moment of every day will be rainbows and sunshine. As much as we’d like it to be, the reality is it’s not. But when we have the option to choose between feeling miserable or finding a way to make peace with the day and pull out the partsContinue reading “The Power You Have Inside: Connecting to your Inner Peace”