The Power You Have Inside: Connecting to your Inner Peace

Four Incredible Women-

Ep. 76

Not every moment of every day will be rainbows and sunshine. As much as we’d like it to be, the reality is it’s not. But when we have the option to choose between feeling miserable or finding a way to make peace with the day and pull out the parts of it that actually are worth remembering or worth focusing on. That’s when we get those little glimmers of hope and positivity. It all depends on your perspective. 

In today’s wisdom “bonus” episode, I’m going to reflect on a few of my past guests. These women are in the world making a powerful impression on others to use their internal compass and find their peace, sit in stillness to feel joy, unravel all those emotional knots.and seize the day to live an incredible life. 

These four women focus on what we can do for ourselves to live that best life.  To live the life we want. 

In this special episode, I will share more about each guest and why they are so important to the show.. And remember to take notes of any tips that will help you in your transformation. 

EP 33 Understanding Your Internal Compass: “Therapize Yourself” to a Happier Life

My first guest Carrie Leaf had an amazing way of guiding you to get to know yourself better through understanding your internal compass and T Y to a happier life  in Ep . 33

Carrie is great. She is sweet and down to earth with her thoughts on mindset. We addressed – living on autopilot and how we can get stuck in the fear of change and that the thought of change sometimes is worse than the problem. When we don’t address those problems and we keep pushing them down deep inside hoping they’ll go away, we create a discourse in our bodies and our minds.

If we make mistakes over and over and we never really get down to the point where we find our happiness, we need to break through those barriers and make that first step to change.

Carrie talked about mind, body and spirit connection and how important it is in our lives to make sure we are addressing all of those areas to achieve that balance and create the foundation in life all from within. 

Carrie’s book Therapize Yourself is a wonderful guide to helping you understand YOU more. Her 15 years in the field of psychology has provided her with such a connection to this topic. Life’s too short to be unhappy, unsure, or unfulfilled. Start your healing now. 

Therapize yourself- Choose to Heal and Find Your Truth

A Step by Step Program to Bring Out the Best Version of You by Integrating the Mind, Body and Spirit.

EP 33 Understanding Your Internal Compass: “Therapize Yourself” to a Happier Life

You can learn more about Carrie on her Website at 

Here is the link to her Mini Self-Mental Health Free Assessment  

Instagram @carrieleafcoaching  and Facebook Carrie.Leaf.39 

Her book “Therapize Yourself” is available on Amazon

“Not every moment of every day will be rainbows and sunshine. As much as we’d like it to be, the reality is it’s not. But when we have the option to choose between feeling miserable or finding a way to make peace with the day and pull out the parts of it that actually are worth remembering or worth focusing on. That’s when we get those little glimmers of hope and positivity. It all depends on your perspective. ”

EP 35 Floating in the Stillness: Finding Joy Inside of You

Next is The Joy Slinger as she calls herself,  Erin McCullough  joined me in episode #35 Floating in the stillness: finding joy Inside of you. 

According to Erin, there is a difference between joy and happiness. We jumped into that discussion and learned more about cultivating joy in your life to create a life that is not controlled by people or circumstances. The power you have to dictate whether you have a good day or bad day is available to you. Empower yourself,  feel that freedom and start to heal.

Erin talks about how her life was out of control and the events that led her to stop and look at how anxiety was impacting her and her life. From that experience, she figured out a way to thrive by creating strategies to overcome and prevent anxiety 

When you still your mind of the internal dialog and give yourself that calm, you are able to focus in and understand the meaning of your life. 

You are able to make the necessary changes to live the fulfilled life you desire.

EP 35 Floating in the Stillness: Finding Joy Inside of You

To learn more about how to be calm, have peace of mind, and find meaning in your life now – You can go to Erin’s website at also find her on Instagram and Facebook @erinmacllc

EP 37 In Tied Up In Knots: Unraveling Emotions to Find Inner Peace 

Trauma-informed yoga teacher & mindfulness-based life + leadership coach, Amber Campion is up next 

Our conversation will help you when you are feeling frustrated and stuck in your life with your emotions and with your way of thinking. What do you do when you have those knots in your life? When we stop being aware and just keep reacting to the stories in our heads- we create suffering and lose our inner peace,

When you stop feeling like yourself, the first step to finding inner peace is to look deeper into why. 

Amber talks about unraveling those emotions through self-discovery. 

Breaking habits that keep you stuck will lead to becoming more confident in your life. To start living more intentionally and to your full potential.

Amber has such an amazing energy about her. Her calm spirit and simple steps guide you to make the changes you need in life to become more in tune with who you are.

EP 37 In Tied Up In Knots: Unraveling Emotions to Find Inner Peace 

Her website:  

Access her free yoga, breathwork, and insight journaling program: A 5-Day Embodiment Experience: to keep the channel open

YouTube @ambercampion

Instagram @ambercampion 

Facebook @campionamber

EP 41 Seas the Day: Diving Deep Inside Yourself

And my last guest in this special wisdom episode is  Megan Warren

How do you move from drowning – from feeling overwhelmed, dissatisfied, or trapped to riding the waves – feeling free, empowered, and fulfilled?

Well, if you are listening today, this is your sign to seize the day! 

This was an emotional one for me and I share this because I know that others are on this same journey of self-discovery. 

Megan is a self leadership coach and motivational speaker. She shared her experience of feeling overwhelmed and unfulfilled after going through the motions and being pulled down in life so far that she had nowhere left to go. that going through that part of her experience saved her life

In this raw and emotional episode we learned how we can look inside and resolve the conflicts we are facing. Changing our course to really feeling our emotions and riding those waves. To take the steps to feel less trapped in our emotions and become more alive. With understanding, practice and grace we can achieve a life of satisfaction.

Megan has such a wonderful outlook and understanding of what it is like to go through heartbreak and make the decision to heal and find fulfillment. I am so happy she joined me in this episode. I learned so much from her.

If you are struggling with what to do about conflicts you are facing in life and how to do something about it, listen to this episode with Megan!

EP 41 Seas the Day: Diving Deep Inside Yourself

You can find out more about Megan and her coaching on her website

The repeating theme throughout all of these interviews with these four incredible women is the fact that regardless of what’s going on around you, you have the ultimate control over what it is you do and how you feel. You’re not just reacting to situations, but taking back your power. 

So, If want to listen to more of these incredible conversations and become more empowered, you need to listen to each of these episodes to get the full power of their message. 

Remember~ Stay Anchored ⚓

Listen to this important episode to hear more.

How do you sail through life? Join me on this endeavor! I would love to grow this amazing support community!



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Published by Lorie

Hello and welcome to Sailing Through Life! My name is Lorie. I am a 2-time melanoma cancer survivor and a sailor - in my heart and on the water. I want to be a beacon of light to others with life challenges and be an inspiration to stay positive while going through these life-altering events. Join me as I set sail on this new adventure... Sailing Through Life.

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